
Once your Tester is configured, there are a couple of ways you can use it.

Multi steps

// The Tester instance is created, onInit is called, but the TestedComponent is not mounted yet.
const tester = new Tester(TestedComponent, { props: { color: 'blue' } });
// We're now mounting the component.
// the component is ready and we can use all the utils available.

Awaiting API calls to finish after mount

  If we trigger a lot of API calls and event when mounting our TestedComponent,
  we can use the 'async' options when mounting it.
const tester = new Tester(TestedComponent, { props: { color: 'blue' } });
// This will automatically run tester.sleep(); and tester.update();
// right after mounting the TestedComponent.
await tester.mount({ async: true });

// The 'async' option is a shortut for this:
const tester = new Tester(TestedComponent, { props: { color: 'blue' } });
await tester.sleep();
await tester.update();

All the shortcuts !

const tester = await new Tester(TestedComponent, { props: { color: 'blue' } }).mount({ async: true });
// Your TestedComponent is now mounted. It waited for API calls to finish and updated once.
// You can now use all the utils available.

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    No results matching ""