Add this to your jestSetup.js
// Import the full enzyme to pass it to Tester
import enzyme from 'enzyme';
// Import the proper adapter, version 16 is required.
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
import { TransportMock } from './mocks';
import { ConfigureTester } from '@mighty-justice/tester';
// Adapt enzyme BEFORE configuring Tester
enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
// Now you can configure Tester by passing enzyme and the config object
TesterConfig.configure(enzyme, {
hooks: [
name: 'Transport',
// When the Tester is initialized, run the following
onInit: (tester) => {
You can set whatever you want on the tester,
as long as it doesn't conflict with an existing property.
tester.Transport = new TransportMock();
// You can use any options that you pass on the Tester initialization to run code.
if (tester.opts.registerEndpoints) {
// ...
// You can add as many hooks as you want
Pseudo configuration example
As you can see in the pseudo-code below, there is no limits to how many Tester Hooks you can set.
TesterConfig.configure(enzyme, {
hooks: [
{ name: 'Api', ... },
{ name: 'Session', ... },
{ name: 'Icons', ... },
{ name: 'SelectItemOnInit', ... },
{ name: 'ServerNotResponding', ... },